Public Libraries Survey (PLS): A Census of U.S. Public Libraries in FY2020
Data taken from a complete census of public libraries in the United States in FY2020 (April 2020 to March 2021).
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) is an annual census of public libraries in the U.S.,
including all public libraries identified by state library administrative
agencies in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the outlying territories
of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
(Puerto Rico did not participate in FY2020).
The primary dataset, library_census
, represents the full microdata from the census.
The datasets library_multistage_sample
and library_stsys_sample
are samples drawn from library_census
using different sampling methods.
Library Census (library_census
The dataset includes 9,245 records (one per library) and 23 variables.
Each column has a variable label, accessible using the function var_label()
from the 'labelled' package
or simply by calling attr(x, 'label')
to a given column.
These data include a subset of the variables included in the public-use data published by PLS,
specifically from the Public Library System Data File. Particularly relevant variables include:
Identifier variables and survey response status:
FSCSKEY: A unique identifier for libraries.
LIBNAME: The name of the library.
RESPONSE_STATUS: Response status for the Public Library Survey: indicates whether the library was a respondent, nonrespondent, or was closed.
Numeric summaries:
TOTCIR: Total circulation
VISITS: Total visitors
REGBOR: Total number of registered users
TOTSTAFF: Total staff (measured in full-time equivalent staff)
LIBRARIA: Total librarians (measured in full-time equivalent staff)
TOTOPEXP: Total operating expenses
TOTINCM: Total income
BRANLIB: Number of library branches
CENTLIB: Number of central library locations
LONGITUD: Geocoded longitude (in WGS84 CRS)
LATITUD: Geocoded latitude (in WGS84 CRS)
STABR: Two-letter state abbreviation
CBSA: Five-digit identifer for a core-based statistical area (CBSA)
MICROF: Flag for a metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area
Library Multistage Sample (library_multistage_sample
These data represent a two-stage sample (PSUs and SSUs),
where the first stage sample is selected using unequal probability sampling
without replacement (PPSWOR) and the second stage sample is selected
using simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR).
Includes the same variables as library_census
but with additional design variables.
PSU_ID: A unique identifier for primary sampling units
SSU_ID: A unique identifer for secondary sampling units
SAMPLING_PROB: Overall inclusion probability
PSU_SAMPLING_PROB: Inclusion probability for the PSU
SSU_SAMPLING_PROB: Inclusion probability for the SSU
PSU_POP_SIZE: The number of PSUs in the population
SSU_POP_SIZE: The number of population SSUs within the PSU
Library Stratified Systematic Sample (library_stsys_sample
These data represent a stratified systematic sample.
Includes the same variables as library_census
but with additional design variables.
SAMPLING_STRATUM: Unique identifier for sampling strata
STRATUM_POP_SIZE: The population size in the stratum
SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER: The sort order used before selecting a random systematic sample
SAMPLING_PROB: Overall inclusion probability