svrep 0.7.0
CRAN release: 2025-02-09
Added the successive difference replication method, with functions
.For the generalized bootstrap functions, the default value for the argument
is now1
instead ofauto
. This means that generalized bootstrap replicates are not rescaled by default.The function
has been deprecated in favor of the replacementrescale_replicates()
. The functionrescale_replicates()
uses an argumentnew_scale
instead oftau
, so that users can directly specify the desired scale factor after rescaling. Usingrescale_reps()
will emit a warning message.Added a kernel-based variance estimator (of Breidt, Opsomer, and Sanchez-Borrego 2016) for finely stratified or systematic samples. This can be used by calling
as_fays_gen_rep_design(..., variance_estimator = "BOSB")
oras_gen_boot_design(..., variance_estimator = "BOSB")
. Or you can directly create the quadratic form matrix for this estimator using the functionmake_kernel_var_matrix()
. Currently only supports a single auxiliary variable and only the Epanechnikov kernel function.Added the option
variance_estimator = "Beaumont-Emond"
to the generalized replication methods.For Fay’s generalized replication, the default value of
is nowInf
, meaning that there is no limit on the number of replicates that will be included in the output.Functions for Fay’s generalized replication method are now noticeably faster.
Added more detailed documentation to the Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont bootstrap method.
Added new options to enable users to speed up the creation of replicate weights if they have the ‘torch’ package installed. For more details, see
help('svrep-package-options', package = 'svrep')
svrep 0.6.4
CRAN release: 2024-04-26
Fix issue #32:
would only accept designs with types known to the ‘survey’ package. Fixed to allow other design types such as the random-groups jackknife.Added new helper function
to randomize the order of the columns of replicate weights. This is useful, for example, when replicates are created independently in each stratum and then combined.Added new helper function
to retain a random subset of replicates and accordingly increase the scale factor used for variance estimation.Added new helper function
which allows the user to add “inactive” replicates to a design object, so that the matrix of replicate weights has the desired number of columns.The function
now has a default value ofmse = TRUE
. Settingmse = FALSE
will produce a warning message, since Fay’s generalized replication method can sometimes produce large underestimates of variance whenmse = FALSE
.The function
now returns an object with classtbl_svy
if the input was also an object with classtbl_svy
.Generalized replication based on the Yates-Grundy estimator is now much faster due to code refactoring.
svrep 0.6.3
CRAN release: 2023-09-09
- Bumped version number for CRAN submission. No significant user-facing changes: just updates to unit tests and rendering of examples/vignettes due to temporary CRAN check issues for the development version of R.
svrep 0.6.2
Bug fixes:
- Bumped version number for CRAN submission. No significant user-facing changes: just updates to unit tests and rendering of examples/vignettes due to temporary CRAN check issues for the development version of R.
Changes specifically for CRAN check:
Removed 12 unmarked UTF-8 strings causing a CRAN check note.
Removed the LaTeX ‘cases’ formatting from the documentation for
, since an old release on MacOS was throwing a LaTeX error when trying to build the manual. The formatting might be restored later when ‘oldrel’ on CRAN increases to 4.3.X.
svrep 0.6.1
CRAN release: 2023-08-30
Added support for Fay’s generalized replication method, specifically the version proposed in Fay (1989): the key functions are
, which are nearly identical to the generalized bootstrap functionsas_gen_boot_design()
Added a new variance estimator,
, useful for balanced sampling (including the cube method). Currently only works for single-stage designs.- The functions
have a new argumentaux_var_names
meant to be used for the"Deville-Tille"
variance estimator. Similarly,make_gen_boot_factors()
have an argument namedaux_vars
- The functions
svrep 0.6.0
CRAN release: 2023-07-06
Added a function
to create random-group jackknife replicates.The creation of generalized bootstrap replicates for designs with many observations but few degrees of freedom (e.g., stratified cluster samples) is now much faster and more efficient. This is based on using the ‘Matrix’ package–particularly its efficient representation of sparse matrices which arise for stratified designs–as well as using a compressed representation of designs that use cluster sampling.
Now using the ‘Matrix’ package to improve speed and memory usage for large quadratic forms. This is primarily helpful for making the generalized bootstrap computationally feasible for larger datasets.
Better documentation for the bootstrap methods covered by
The following functions now work for database-backed survey design objects (i.e., objects with the class
): The function
has gained an argumentvars_to_keep
which allows the user to indicate that they only want to keep a specific list of variables from the data. This can be useful, for example, if you only want to keep the weights and unique identifiers.-
Minor updates and bug fixes:
The function
now throws an informative error message when you supply an invalid value for thetype
argument.Bug Fix: The “Deville-1” and “Deville-2” estimators threw errors for strata where one or more units were selected with certainty (i.e., had sampling probabilities of 1). This has now been fixed.
Bug Fix: The function
could sometimes fail to detect that the input design is a PPS design, which caused it to give the user an unnecessary error message.
svrep 0.5.1
CRAN release: 2023-05-17
- New Features:
Added argument
exact_vcov = TRUE
. This argument forces the generalized bootstrap variance-covariance estimates for totals to exactly match the target variance estimator. In other words, this eliminates bootstrap simulation error for variance estimates of totals. This is similar to how, for simple survey designs, the jackknife and BRR give variance estimates for totals that exactly match the Horvitz-Thompson estimates. Usingexact_vcov
requires that the number of replicates is strictly greater than the rank of the target variance estimator.Added new variance estimators (“Deville 1” and “Deville 2”) available to use for the generalized bootstrap, which are particularly useful for single-stage PPSWOR designs or for multistage designs with one or more stages of PPSWOR sampling. See updated documentation for
.If the ‘srvyr’ package is loaded, then functions from ‘svrep’ that return survey design objects will always return a
if their input was atbl_svy
. This makes it easier to use functions such assummarize()
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where
wouldn’t create more than 50 replicates for the Rao-Wu, Preston, or Canty-Davison types.
- Fixed bug where
svrep 0.5.0
CRAN release: 2023-02-07
This release adds extensive new functionality for two-phase designs. The new vignette “Replication Methods for Two-phase Sampling” describes the new functionality as well as the underlying statistical methods.
The function
can now create generalized bootstrap weights for two-phase survey design objects created with the ‘survey’ package’stwophase()
function. The user must specify a list of two variance estimators to use for each phase, e.g.list('Stratified Multistage SRS', 'Ultimate Cluster')
.The function
can be used to create a quadratic form for a two-phase variance estimator, by combining quadratic forms from each phase.The helper function
can be used to approximate a quadratic form matrix by the nearest positive semidefinite matrix. This can be particularly useful for two-phase designs, since the double expansion estimator commonly used in practice frequently does not have a variance estimator which is positive semidefinite.
The function
has a new argument namedpsd_option
, which controls what will happen if the target variance estimator has a quadratic form matrix which is not positive semi-definite. This can occasionally happen, particularly for two-phase designs. By default, the function will warn the user if the quadratic form is not positive semi-definite and then automatically approximate the matrix by the nearest positive semi-definite matrix.Added a new function
, which determines the quadratic form matrix of a specified variance estimator, by parsing the information stored in a survey design object created using the ‘survey’ package.Added a new function
which implements the rescaling of replicate adjustment factors to avoid negative replicate weights. This functionality already existed inas_gen_boot_design()
, but now it is implemented with the help of this new function.Added helper function
for checking whether a matrix is positive semi-definite, and added a helper functionget_nearest_psd_matrix()
for approximating a square matrix by the nearest positive semi-definite matrix.Minor improvements to vignettes, particularly formatting.
svrep 0.4.1
CRAN release: 2022-12-18
- Minor Updates and Bug Fixes:
Fix bug in #15, where bootstrap conversion of multistage survey design objects with
would throw an error when user manually specified weights insvydesign()
.Creation of Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont bootstrap replicate weights is now faster and takes less computer memory.
Typo fix in vignettes.
svrep 0.4.0
CRAN release: 2022-12-11
This release adds several functions for creating bootstrap and generalized bootstrap replicate weights. The new vignette “Bootstrap methods for surveys” provides guidance for choosing a bootstrap method and selecting the number of bootstrap replicates to use, along with statistical details and references.
Added function
to convert a survey design object to a replicate design with replicate weights created using a bootstrap method. This is essentially a specialized version ofas.svrepdesign()
that supports additional bootstrap methods and has detailed documentation about which bootstrap methods can be used for different types of sampling designs.Added function
to convert a survey design object to a replicate design with replicate weights created using the generalized survey bootstrap. The user must supply the name of a target variance estimator (e.g., “Horvitz-Thompson” or “Ultimate Cluster”) used to create the generalized bootstrap factors. See the new vignette for details.Added functions to help choose the number of bootstrap replicates. The function
can be used to estimate the simulation error in a bootstrap estimate caused by using a finite number of bootstrap replicates. The new functionestimate_boot_reps_for_target_cv()
estimates the number of bootstrap replicates needed to reduce the simulation error to a target level.Added function
, which creates bootstrap replicate weights for a wide range of survey designs using the method of Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont (i.e., Beaumont’s generalization of the Rao-Wu-Yue bootstrap method). This function can be used directly, or users can specifyas_bootstrap_design(type = "Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont")
.Added function
to create replicate adjustment factors using the generalized survey bootstrap. The key input tomake_gen_boot_factors()
is the matrix of the quadratic form used to represent a variance estimator. The new functionmake_quad_form_matrix()
can be used to represent a chosen variance estimator as a quadratic form, given information about the sample design. This can be used for stratified multistage SRS designs (with or without replacement), systematic samples, and PPS samples, with or without replacement.
Minor Updates and Bug Fixes:
- When using
, ensure that the full-sample weight is named"FULL_SAMPLE_WGT"
if the user does not specify something different. - For
, ensure that the output names the list of columns with perturbed control columnscol_selection
instead ofperturbed_control_cols
, so that the name matches the corresponding function argument,col_selection
. - Improvements to documentation (formatting tweaks and typo fixes)
- When using
svrep 0.3.0
CRAN release: 2022-07-05
Added helper function
to convert a survey design object into a data frame with columns of weights (full-sample weights and, if applicable, replicate weights). This is useful for saving data and weights to a data file.Added
argument tosummarize_rep_weights()
which allows the specification of one or more grouping variables to use for summaries ( = c('stratum', 'response_status')
can be used to summarize by response status within each stratum).Added a small vignette “Nonresponse Adjustments” to illustrate how to conduct nonresponse adjustments using
Minor Updates and Bug Fixes:
- Internal code update to avoid annoying but harmless warning message about
. - Bug fix for
where designs created withas.svrepdesign(..., type = 'mrbbootstrap')
oras.svrepdesign(..., type = 'subbootstrap')
threw an error.
- Internal code update to avoid annoying but harmless warning message about
svrep 0.2.0
CRAN release: 2022-05-12
Added functions
for calibrating to estimated control totals with methods that account for the sampling variance of the control totals. For an overview of these functions, please see the new vignette “Calibrating to Estimated Control Totals”.The function
requires the user to supply a vector of control totals and its variance-covariance matrix. The function applies Fuller’s proposed adjustments to the replicate weights, in which control totals are varied across replicates by perturbing the control totals using a spectral decomposition of the control totals’ variance-covariance matrix.The function
requires the user to supply a replicate design for the primary survey of interest as well as a replicate design for the control survey used to estimate control totals for calibration. The function applies Opsomer & Erciulescu’s method of varying the control totals across replicates of the primary survey by matching each primary survey replicate to a replicate from the control survey.
Added an example dataset,
, which is a simulated survey measuring Covid-19 vaccination status and a handful of demographic variables, based on a simple random sample of 1,000 residents of Louisville, Kentucky with an approximately 50% response rate.- An accompanying dataset
provides person-level microdata from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2015-2019 public-use microdata sample (PUMS) data for Louisville, KY. The datasetlou_pums_microdata
includes replicate weights to use for variance estimation and can be used to generate control totals forlou_vax_survey
- An accompanying dataset