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Generate a matrix of replication factors using Fay's generalized replication method. This method yields a fully efficient variance estimator if a sufficient number of replicates is used.


  max_replicates = Matrix::rankMatrix(Sigma, method = "qr") + 4,
  balanced = TRUE



A quadratic form matrix corresponding to a target variance estimator. Must be positive semidefinite.


The maximum number of replicates to allow. The function will attempt to create the minimum number of replicates needed to produce a fully-efficient variance estimator. If more replicates are needed than max_replicates, then the full number of replicates needed will be created, but only a random subsample will be retained.


If balanced=TRUE, the replicates will all contribute equally to variance estimates, but the number of replicates needed may slightly increase.


A matrix of replicate factors, with the number of rows matching the number of rows of Sigma and the number of columns less than or equal to max_replicates. To calculate variance estimates using these factors, use the overall scale factor given by calling attr(x, "scale") on the result.

Statistical Details

See Fay (1989) for a full explanation of Fay's generalized replication method. This documentation provides a brief overview.

Let \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) be the quadratic form matrix for a target variance estimator, which is assumed to be positive semidefinite. Suppose the rank of \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) is \(k\), and so \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) can be represented by the spectral decomposition of \(k\) eigenvectors and eigenvalues, where the \(r\)-th eigenvector and eigenvalue are denoted \(\mathbf{v}_{(r)}\) and \(\lambda_r\), respectively. $$ \boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \sum_{r=1}^k \lambda_r \mathbf{v}_{(r)} \mathbf{v^{\prime}}_{(r)} $$ If balanced = FALSE, then we let \(\mathbf{H}\) denote an identity matrix with \(k' = k\) rows/columns. If balanced = TRUE, then we let \(\mathbf{H}\) be a Hadamard matrix (with all entries equal to \(1\) or \(-1\)), of order \(k^{\prime} \geq k\). Let \(\mathbf{H}_{mr}\) denote the entry in row \(m\) and column \(r\) of \(\mathbf{H}\).

Then \(k^{\prime}\) replicates are formed as follows. Let \(r\) denote a given replicate, with \(r = 1, ..., k^{\prime}\), and let \(c\) denote some positive constant (yet to be specified).

The \(r\)-th replicate adjustment factor \(\mathbf{f}_{r}\) is formed as: $$ \mathbf{f}_{r} = 1 + c \sum_{m=1}^k H_{m r} \lambda_{(m)}^{\frac{1}{2}} \mathbf{v}_{(m)} $$

If balanced = FALSE, then \(c = 1\). If balanced = TRUE, then \(c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{k^{\prime}}}\).

If any of the replicates are negative, you can use rescale_reps, which recalculates the replicate factors with a smaller value of \(c\).

If all \(k^{\prime}\) replicates are used, then variance estimates are calculated as: $$ v_{rep}\left(\hat{T}_y\right) = \sum_{r=1}^{k^{\prime}}\left(\hat{T}_y^{*(r)}-\hat{T}_y\right)^2 $$ For population totals, this replication variance estimator will exactly match the target variance estimator if the number of replicates \(k^{\prime}\) matches the rank of \(\Sigma\).

The Number of Replicates

If balanced=TRUE, the number of replicates created may need to increase slightly. This is due to the fact that a Hadamard matrix of order \(k^{\prime} \geq k\) is used to balance the replicates, and it may be necessary to use order \(k^{\prime} > k\).

If the number of replicates \(k^{\prime}\) is too large for practical purposes, then one can simply retain only a random subset of \(R\) of the \(k^{\prime}\) replicates. In this case, variances are calculated as follows: $$ v_{rep}\left(\hat{T}_y\right) = \frac{k^{\prime}}{R} \sum_{r=1}^{R}\left(\hat{T}_y^{*(r)}-\hat{T}_y\right)^2 $$ This is what happens if max_replicates is less than the matrix rank of Sigma: only a random subset of the created replicates will be retained.

Subsampling replicates is only recommended when using balanced=TRUE, since in this case every replicate contributes equally to variance estimates. If balanced=FALSE, then randomly subsampling replicates is valid but may produce large variation in variance estimates since replicates in that case may vary greatly in their contribution to variance estimates.


If balanced=TRUE, a Hadamard matrix is used as described above. The Hadamard matrix is deterministically created using the function hadamard() from the 'survey' package. However, the order of rows/columns is randomly permuted before forming replicates.

In general, column-ordering of the replicate weights is random. To ensure exact reproducibility, it is recommended to call set.seed() before using this function.


Fay, Robert. 1989. "Theory And Application Of Replicate Weighting For Variance Calculations." In, 495–500. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

See also

Use rescale_reps to eliminate negative adjustment factors.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Load an example dataset that uses unequal probability sampling ----
  data('election', package = 'survey')

# Create matrix to represent the Horvitz-Thompson estimator as a quadratic form ----
  n <- nrow(election_pps)
  pi <- election_jointprob
  horvitz_thompson_matrix <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    for (j in seq_len(n)) {
      horvitz_thompson_matrix[i,j] <- 1 - (pi[i,i] * pi[j,j])/pi[i,j]

  ## Equivalently:

  horvitz_thompson_matrix <- make_quad_form_matrix(
    variance_estimator = "Horvitz-Thompson",
    joint_probs = election_jointprob

# Make generalized replication adjustment factors ----

  adjustment_factors <- make_fays_gen_rep_factors(
    Sigma = horvitz_thompson_matrix,
    max_replicates = 50
  attr(adjustment_factors, 'scale')

# Compute the Horvitz-Thompson estimate and the replication estimate

ht_estimate <- svydesign(data = election_pps, ids = ~ 1,
                         prob = diag(election_jointprob),
                         pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob)) |>
  svytotal(x = ~ Kerry)

rep_estimate <- svrepdesign(
  data = election_pps,
  weights = ~ wt,
  repweights = adjustment_factors,
  combined.weights = FALSE,
  scale = attr(adjustment_factors, 'scale'),
  rscales = rep(1, times = ncol(adjustment_factors)),
  type = "other",
  mse = TRUE
) |>
  svytotal(x = ~ Kerry)

SE(rep_estimate) / SE(ht_estimate)
} # }